Meet Our Founder

SUBJECT-MATTER-EXPERT in Transformational Leadership as a dynamic way of being based on the Psychology of Leadership in Crisis Environments.  

The Positive Transformational Leadership skills presented by CTLCE programs are based on evidence-based best practices in behavioral psychology, social psychology, and organizational psychology in crisis environments.

  • U.S. Navy Emergency Response Team Leader and Field-Instructor providing forensic photography & film documentation. Cameron's responsibilities were those of leading teams in documenting Naval aviation disasters, Naval air accidents, as well as other Federal air/land/sea critical incident investigations.   
  • In a later role, she served in a leadership position for the Pacific Fleet-Air Command in producing the advertising for California, Washington State, Oregon, Alaska, and the Pacific in the Navy's search for -- and career grooming of -- the best and the brightest specialists for the new all volunteer era.  
  • Development of briefings for implementing U.S. Defense and NASA experimental high-security "Black Programs" for emerging foreign affairs crises and international critical incidents.  These high-security briefings were tailored for Congressional and Senatorial Committee Chairpersons and the Secretary of Defense.

  • A career change in response to 9/11 led Cameron on a new and more personalized journey as a behavioral therapist providing psychotherapy to military veterans for treatment and recovery from traumatic stress. 

  • Cameron has served as a specialist in crisis management and behavioral crisis interventions for individuals and groups.

  • In her personal time, she has given the gift of volunteer Crisis Services for communities.

  • As an ​Educator and Speaker on the topic of psychological resilience training, Cameron has provided pre-and-post critical incident briefings, crisis counseling, grief and loss counseling, presentations in social and organizational psychology, and speaks on topics associated with traumatic stress as these issues apply to public service professionals serving in crisis environments.
  • ​Serving on psychological research teams of four National Institutes of Health studies in behavioral health, Cameron was a team member contributing to clinical application of emerging new evidence-based best practices for the treatment of major depression, traumatic stress, addictions, and the prevention of suicide.  
  • As a Principle Investigator she conducted a study in patient-centered approaches for military veterans in the treatment of traumatic stress founded on an alliance between the patient and therapist as a genuine egalitarian partnership comprised of different but equal responsibilities.  In another study, she developed a survey that assessed best practices of crisis intervention interview techniques for individuals suffering from traumatic stress who exhibit high risk for suicide.  
  • Cameron's interests and continuing research focuses on: 
       -  Positive psychology, noble values, and mindfulness in resilience-building
       -  Cutting edge new breakthroughs in neuroscience and psychology
       -  Social psychology and psychological human factors as they relate to environments of traumatic events
       -  New evidence-based best practices in the prevention and treatment of traumatic stress 
       -  Grieving and loss 
       -  Healthy team inter-dependency in contrast to negative group-think
       -  The impact of isolation and loneliness on professional performance
       - The affects of severe and persistent mental illness and mental disorders on leadership decision-making and its                           outcomes to teams and mission success
       -  The damaging effects of moral injury on professionals and communities
       -  The characteristics and evolutionary process of Evil behavior in leadership 
       -  Supportive resources for professionals serving in crisis environments
  • As the of Founder-Consultant-Speaker-Mentor of advanced leadership training offered by the Center of Transformational Leadership in Crisis Environments, Cameron shares professional insights from behavioral psychology, social psychology, and organizational psychology that critically impact military and civilian professionals who serve in crisis environments.  In these programs, Cameron seeks to foster positive Transformational Leadership in two ways:  As cornerstones and high Standards of Conduct among leaders and as practices that add realistic value by integrating these evidence-based best practices for the wellbeing of teams and the success of mission objectives.   
  • Master of Social Work - University of Washington, Seattle, WA.  Academic and internship concentration in Clinical Behavioral Health with additional concentration in Mental Health Research.

  • Specialized Clinical Training - Veterans Affairs Healthcare System and National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
  • Bachelor of Arts, Social Welfare - University of Washington, Seattle, WA.  Academic and internship concentration in Clinical Behavioral Health with additional concentration in Mental Health Research.

Each and every commitment and practice in our life actively demonstrates the values that we hold most dear and reinforces patterns that will endure throughout our life. These values may reflect what is the best of humankind, the worst of humankind, and every shade in between. Our backgrounds, education, family traditions, both positive and negative influences, and most of all, our choices under both favorable and highy challenging circumstances will determine whether our character and an enduring imprint.  Our values therefore may serve as personal legacies to inspire the highest level of consciousness and have the capacity to prompt others toward reaching for their best, or contrastingly, they may focus on self-absorbed desires that reflect our most base, untrained instincts.

We are at an unprecedented time in our human history where we have also face the larger choices to elevate our collaborative efforts toward ever-evolving new discoveries, yet also our choice may be a laser-like focus where we may choose to destroy everything we have collectively developed as a species and plunge the world into total darkness and Evil.  At this critical juncture, humanity defines itself.  There is no opting out of this decision-making, for if we are passive and do nothing this in and of itself is equally a clear decision, and what is at risk is that the darkest interests are likely to prevail if we do nothing.  In short, our choices reveal who we are, and what we are willing to die for, and perhaps even more importantly -- what we are willing to live for and commit to.  
In all these matters, our individual choices are both privileges and responsibilities that ultimately revolve around a guiding principle or agenda.  In concert with our emotional energy as fuel, they become highly energized orchestrated efforts to serve our primary over-arching objective.  ​​
​​​​Regardless of our position at any given time -- or title, or role -- our decisions and our practice are both modeling and leading every moment.  We are leading our own life -- and are thus quite literally captains of our own ship, but equally we are leading others with whom we have influence, and still others who observe us.  
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil 
​is for good men and women to do nothing.

​Cameron's early life background provided a solid foundation upon which arose her deep commitment to the values and traditions of our nation as a vehicle to serve the Greater Good. 

​She endeavors to honor the social contract provided by our nation's Founders that outline the rights and responsibilities that continue to guide us in our evolution of consciousness as a mature democracy.  These commitments provide a blue-print for choices and actions by engaged citizens and America's leaders, and in a like manner they provide clearly defined standards of conduct as citizens of our nation and citizens of the world. ​​

Woven within an ethical and spiritual framework as intended by our Founders, these principles provide Cameron with guidance in her daily life and moral courage when the situation calls for it.  With this as her framework, Cameron is committed to support the vision and reality of America's place of great responsibility in the world.  In that role, America is not merely the leader of the free-world, but we are also a leader in continually striving to model the very values that distinguish us as an exceptional and as an enlightened society. ​

Cameron has experienced a Calling to serve the Greater Good since her earliest memories. Her efforts have concentrated on recognizing and acknowledging the highest attributes employed by individuals and to encourage and inspire others to contribute the best contributions of humankind's noble legacy.  

​In this endeavor, she considers her first duty as introspection within herslf to assess her own patterns and motivations and change in positive ways that reflect the most healthy perspectives.  Secondly, she considers an equally important role in her life as that of messenger and a translator -- communicating what may seem complex into practical day-to-day practices where we can support one another as well as share and model our unique and greatest gifts. 

Cameron considers our trials and challenges in life as defining moments that not only reveal our character but also offer distinct opportunities to heighten our awareness and consciousness as to what is most meaningful in this existence.  In understanding what is truly important and precious we are more likely to choose to invest our time in what is most meaningful to ourselves and beneficial to others.

​Cameron's career preparation began with training at New York Institute of Photography in Manhattan, New York where she acquired skill-sets as a professional photographer and film-documentary cinemarographer. Her inspiration to engage in this work was sparked by the insights provided by military photographer David Douglas Duncan in documentation of World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War coupled with Dorothea Lang's documentation of those affected by the events and outcomes of the Dust Bowl in American history in the 1930s, and the extensive historical documentation of the the U.S. Civil War by Mathew Brady and his photographic colleagues. 

In each of these efforts, these specialists illustrated the trials and triumphs, compassion and horror, and good and evil that dwells within each of us under the most extreme circumstances. Whether it is our worst qualities or our best, we humans have the capacity to change; and the recorded realities and history remind us (and can inspire us) of our potential to invest our personal best into this world we live in.   Such work does not rely on a mere snapshot of a moment, but rather records our history (the good, the beautiful, the bad, and the ugly) as our human species creates and encounters it.
Historical Documentation
U.S. Army Soldier,
"Thousand-Yard Stare"
Vietnam by
David Douglas Duncan​
U.S. Dustbowl by
Dorathia Lang for Presidential Policy
Neither a pessimist nor an optimist -- but rather as a realist --  Cameron reserves a place of respect in her heart and in her mind for the power of photographic and film documentary communications in how it can explore major issues, record realities, and contribute to developing new policies that can positively impact the world.  Photographs and film documentaries acknowledge reality, history, and offer broader issues for thoughtful consideration.  They also have the capability to provide training and education to expand knowledge and expertise, internally communicate values and vision, and offer highly effective visual evidence useful for communicating briefings and Real-World analysis. In this way, Cameron's early training provided a vehicle to employ these tools as well as support our nation's vision and efforts.  By such contributions, Cameron's intent focused on enhancing our collective understanding and knowledge.  Such realism also has the capability to lead us toward reflections on both our successes while also learning from our our mistakes in a steady pursuit for advancement as an enlightened society. 
U.S. Civil War Medical Care by Mathew Brady