As a Zen Buddhist monk, Cameron has trained in Zen monasteries -- and cultivated skill-sets that are universal in their application to not only her own spiritual foundation but are equally effective in secular, government, interfaith, and scientific foundations. These skill-sets are a disciplined mind, development of internal psychological strengths, and a continuous  deepening of insights and consciousness which are globally recognized as the foundation of enlightened societies.    

Her 48 years of practice in Soto Zen meditation, mindfulness, and Zen application of human psychology in ordinary daiily life have proven useful for her in crisis enviornments and for others who choose to integrate these as compentencies and valuable assets.

A few of the many beneficial outcomes of these practices include: HIghly developed concentration and focus; an increased awareness and understanding of human nature; a more comprehensive understanding of Reality; enhanced empathy and compassion; greater coping skills applicable to physical, psychological, and emotional pain management; stress reduction; creative insights; wise discernment and the honing of wise decision-making; as well as a quiet balanced mind amidst chaos.  
Living from the Heart of Deer

Cameron's Zen Buddhist name is Roku Shin, translated from Japanese as Heart of Deer.  

In the Soto Zen tradition, Buddhist names are given and received at the time of formal commitments to spiritual vows. These vows are a commitment to be service to the Greater Good of all beings, and it is the individual's closest spiritual advisors who determine what that name will be.  The process of selecting a name is based on observing an individual over the long-term and discerning that individual's core values, his/her aspirations, and the natural unique gifts that individual offers to the commmunity and to the larger world.​  When her name was given to

Cameron's view of her commitment encompasses:
A way of deer grazing on the hillside.​
Neither fearing the past, nor anxious for the future...
but rather fully engaged in the richness and great responsibility of this one precious moment.

Our most critical job at every moment is to remain calm.  

Our best decision-making is based on maintaining
a quiet and balanced state of mind.